I had the honor of visiting Olivia, the child my friend sponsors. Olivia and her sponsor are the inspiration for this mission trip. Olivia is a beautiful 10-year-old girl in P5 or fifth grade. Her mother died and her father left so Olivia had been living with her older sister and her sister’s husband. We learned that Olivia had not been boarding at the school and so began investigating. Olivia would like to board and the school so Lauren and Gabriel will follow up with Olivia’s sister to find out if she had concerns about having Olivia board there. In the mean time, the school is prepared to welcome her to the boarding house.
I delivered a care package to this shy young lady, on behalf of my friend. Gabriel helped translate although I believe Olivia understood most of what we talked about. He explained to Olivia that my friend and I share the same name and that I am delivering this package on her behalf, that I am not her sponsor. She was so pleased to receive a gift and kept trying to hide her bright smile. In addition to this care package, Olivia also received a mosquito net and a Bible. And lest my friend disown me, I left provision for a number of basic needs from the requirements list.
I also asked questions of Olivia such as whether or not she liked the school, whether or not she had friends, if she liked the teachers, if she felt she was learning. Then to the hard questions, was anyone abusing her, touching her improperly, etc. The most difficult situation Olivia could think of was that a girl was mean to her but that girl was no longer at the school. Praise God. I had no reason to suspect any problems in these areas but if you don’t ask…
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