Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Friday, September 10, 2010

In-Flight Announcement

This is an in-flight announcement to all my blog viewers. I always chuckle that they show us how to buckle our seatbelts on the plane given that all cars have seatbelts and most states require their use. I also think it’s funny that they tell passengers that “tampering or disabling a smoke detector is a crime,” but they never do anything about the guy who comes out stinking to high heaven (of smoke, I mean).

If all works as planned, this blog should post while I am en route to Istanbul. Do you feel cheated when the blog isn’t written the same day it’s posted?

I realized a few days ago that I’ve been starting to think a bit further ahead than I have been able to this past year and a half. In some ways this is a good thing – we should all be thinking about our future to a certain degree. But looking ahead is also kind of scary. After I return from this last mission trip, I have no life plans. None. Having no plans, for a planner like me, shakes me up a bit. Yet I draw on all that I’ve learned during My Second Year and remember that God will make that path clear for me. He seems to reveal his plans to me in 2- to 3-month increments rather than in 2- to 3-year increments. Even though the revelation of his planning frame is completely counter to my own (doesn’t he always do this), this past year is a testament to how amazing his plans can be if I just step out of the way.

For now, I plan to enjoy each moment in Uganda to its fullest. I plan to love on the people there and to listen to the Holy Spirit directing each step. Watch with me as I go a little deeper into this culture and experience not only missionary life there but real, everyday life with these beautiful people.

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