Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Amen's Story: Update

I first told you about Amen in June. She is the young mother of Elijah living in the Kampala area. Amen and I have stayed in touch these past few months and when I knew I was coming to Uganda we vowed to be sure to meet for a time of refreshment and encouragement.

Amen made the trip to Lauren’s with Elijah (who is five months old now) and Joy, a three year old girl who is now considered Amen’s daughter. The picture shows Joy with a sassy little grin but rest assured that is only a misconception. This girl was pure sweetness. Joy has a 7-year-old brother who is also in Amen’s care but was at school during the day. Amen and Elijah’s father are together but not married, which is not uncommon in Uganda because of the cost associated with the socially required ceremonial marriage practices.

Amen’s boyfriend is brother to the father of Joy and the 7-year-old boy. Their mother left and handed the children over to Amen. But Amen doesn’t complain. When asked how she felt about her new family she sweetly said that she is learning to be a mother. And a very gentle, kind mother she is. Have you recognized the difference between the moms who are completely at home with being a mother and those who are frustrated and uncertain? Amen is the former, definitely.

Little Elijah has malaria and was roasting with fever but tried his best to be cheerful. Amen doted over him while bathing him in cool water. Joy sat on a mat made by the ladies in Kyamagemule. She put her little hands together in prayer before nibbling a few bites of pineapple…wish I had gotten a picture of this precious little prayer.

Amen hopes to go to school to learn hair braiding and other cosmetology-related skills to help her family. With these additional two children in her charge she will likely not have that opportunity. Amen’s story is a common one. Circumstances completely out of her control have been imposed such that her life will be dramatically changed. Amen chooses to make the very best of the situation, but some mothers don’t treat their new children as well. Life is so very different here. Amen's story exactly fits the target for Mercy Uganda's ministry. Please pray we find the best way to come alongside Amen as she grows into motherhood and raises children who love God.

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