Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rodent Problem

A theme seems to have arisen as it relates to many of my Facebook posts. They’re animal related. Mosquitoes, frogs, ants, and now…mice. I got home from my early morning walk to Lauren’s sheepish explanation about how the neighbor’s house boy chased a mouse into MY room.

Apparently she saw a mouse in her room, screamed like a very high pitched little girl, and all the neighbors came running. The house boy was summoned to come root that thing out of her room, and neither he nor Lauren thought to close any of the other doors so as to isolate his options for terrorizing others.

Gabriel called and she begged him to come get the mouse. Okay, there aren’t many places for this mouse to go. It’s not like the house is large or has a lot of places for a mouse to hide. My room, however, serves as storage for Mercy Uganda things. Plus, since there are no dressers or closets, all my stuff is spread out on the bed – toothbrush, underwear…so ya, Gabriel picked through all my stuff to see if the mouse nested in my “drawers.” No mouse.

Lauren put rat glue in all the doorways to catch the little guy if he was still in the house. Everything she touched after that was sticky. Shower handle, jerry can handle, kitchen sink handle, broom handle. We put little tables over the glue in the doorway to be sure we didn’t step in the glue too. I hope the table doesn't get stuck to the floor. I wonder how she’ll get all that glue off the tile…

I hoped my mosquito net was also mouse proof as I tried to fall asleep last night. Turns out either they are or the mouse is not in my room. Apparently, the mouse is not in the house because the glue in all the doorways is empty too. Mosquitoes, frogs, ants, and mice.

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