Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Uganda Christian University

Henry and I left Nkumba University and headed to Mokono district where Uganda Christian University is located – just two km before Kefa Sempangi’s home. Uganda Christian University is ranked #2 in Uganda. The ride was perhaps an hour by boda – no helmets, no sunglasses, and more importantly no sunscreen. We hadn’t planned this trip ahead of time, so the idea of sunscreen hadn’t crossed my mind. I am burnt and blistering. Taking a boda was most timely however we had to “get skinny” dozens of times so that we fit between the small space left by taxis and cars.

In true Ugandan fashion, dropping in unannounced was met with a warm welcome. Having met several University professionals, we finally found the associate dean of marketing. Following the formal introduction by Henry and a brief description of my education and experience, the dean began brainstorming ways that we might collaborate. He took my tentative proposal for return trips to Uganda and filled them in with…assignments. We departed with a tentative plan for my next trip (did I just say that out loud?) and gratitude.

Why interview with universities in Uganda? The idea was that I might gain global exposure to teaching styles, resources, methods, and relationships while making a contribution to the community here. Having this experience will help me better understand the culture and the infrastructure in Uganda and thus better equip me to actually make a difference using the education and experience I already have. The kinds of work discussed at both universities will likely be pro bono (does that count for non-lawyers?), but the experience will be immeasurably valuable.

God swung these doors wide open. Please pray that I can step through the doors leading to these opportunities with the same level of certainty.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your future more and more lies in Uganda. I promise to come to see you!! Jean
