What should I do now?
- Make a tax-deductible donation using PayPal or your credit card at http://www.lesliemosher.blogspot.com/
- Make a tax-deductible donation by writing a check to Mercy Uganda and mailing it to me (contact me for my street address, it seems unwise to include that in a blog).
- Read the rest of this list to find other ways you can support the ministry work.
- Commit to a monthly donation of a specific amount ($100, $50, $25, $10).
- Make a special donation in the amount of your choice.
- Set aside a percentage of a Christmas bonus or tax return designated for this mission.
- Arrange a matching gift with your employer, even if they don’t have a stated plan.
- Suggest “Mercy Uganda: Leslie Mosher” as the recipient of corporate giving plans.
- Challenge your friends to match your gift, you might be surprised.
- Purchase a flight for my travel using your frequent flier miles.
- Watch for Facebook posts about specific donations needed for the ministry.
- Cell phones that use SIM cards.
- Portable black and white printer and ink/toner
- Clothing for school-age children.
- Arrange a speaking engagement at your church or business about ministry in East Africa.
- Tell your friends, share Facebook or blog posts, and invite me to your small group gathering.
- That we would not under expect the generosity of God.
- For the presence of the Holy Spirit to be manifested in remarkable ways.
- For radical transformation of everyone and everything the ministry comes in contact with.
- For my personal health and safety.
- Yes. Your financial donations are made to Mercy Uganda, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and designated to my ministry-related expenses. Your financial gifts are tax deductible.
- Your non-financial gifts may be tax deductible, but you should check with your tax advisor.
- Donate via one of two PayPal buttons at www.lesliemosher.blogspot.com. These donations are made to Mercy Uganda and are automatically designated for my ministry work.
- Write a check or money order made out to Mercy Uganda. Designate the donation as being for Leslie Mosher on the memo line. Mail your check me (contact me for that address).
Thank you. Thank you for your support of the work God would have me do in East Africa.
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