Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Monday, March 22, 2010

Musher’s Banquet

Sunday began with a very quaint church service that included mostly the short-term mission group and a few Natives. Immediately following that service we all headed out for various assignments related to preparing for the Musher’s banquet to be held that evening at the recreation hall.

The Musher’s banquet is an annual event following the Iditarod where awards and recognitions are handed out. Tickets cost $40, quite a sum for the locals. I’ve been told a box of Pop Tarts costs $16 so it seems that three boxes of Pop Tarts would have been well worth the cost of this feast. I learned that 800 tickets were sold, the maximum number the building can hold, not including all the volunteers, to satisfy the fire marshal (is there a fire marshal in Nome?). Every seat was full.

The Millennium Hotel from Anchorage caters the event and we’d spent part of Saturday helping with prep work. Prime rib (the most tender and tasty I’d ever had when cut from under a heat lamp), halibut, mashed potatoes, green beans, rice, rolls, shrimp, pasta salad, a Musher’s sleigh full of strawberries, and garden salad. For dessert…chocolate cake, coconut something, and cheesecake.

Upon arrival I was assigned to be a team leader on one of three buffet tables. My job was to manage an assistant and six runners by ensuring that the food was well stocked, the table was clean, and everyone had what they needed. It took just over an hour to get every diner through the line the first time. The fresh salad and fruit were hits; Nome residents seldom get such luxuries. Many returned to fill their plates numerous times to take home with them.

I had an awesome team, we worked well together and had a very smooth, very clean food buffet. I’m so thankful to them all. Yea them!

After the meal and the ceremony were over, at about 10:00, we cleaned up the recreation center for the last time. Home and showered by midnight.

Current Temperature: 1°

1 comment:

  1. Was that great food or what? I have really enjoyed getting to know you this week. I look forward to reading your blog more.
