The second village we visited in Karamoja was about an hour away from Matany, where Pastor Phillip and his family live and where the obvious dirt road ended. This village was particularly special because Gabriel’s mother and sister live here. T
his is the village in which he was born and left at the age of three following some very tragic circumstances. Pastor Phillip, who is Gabriel’s cousin, brought Gabriel back to the village for the first time at the age of 15. Can you imagine being introduced to your own family at that age? Gabriel and Lina are shown with Agnes and Pastor Phillip.
As with the other villages, we were welcomed with song and dance. After having been seen by the medical team first, the elders observed patiently from their tiny wooden perches. In stark contrast to Kokorio, the people in this smaller village patiently waited in a single file line for their turn to be seen by the doctor. The team mused over this fact given their lack of exposure to such forms of fair play.
Because we spent little time on crowd control, the doctors were able to see a majority of the people in this village. One boy, in particular, stood out as a worst case. When he was very young he had malaria that went untreated. When finally seen by a doctor he was given an injection which then caused paralysis. Luckily we hadn’t seen too many (how many is too many?) severe cases like this one. Please pray God’s protection over these beautiful people.
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