Ricky Lee Mosher June 21, 1955 to November 22, 2008

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kokorio Village Medical Clinic

The children, some of whom are sponsored through Mercy Uganda, welcomed us with songs as did the women. Regional church leaders came from far-away places to welcome us and to help with translating their unique language. Elders observed from hand-made stools only big enough to give their butt bones a place to rest.

This clinic worked much the same way as in Kyamagemule except that this village never had a medical team visit before let alone any other outside team. We imagined that we would see only those who were sick and primarily women and children given Mercy Uganda’s focus in that area. How naive of us to think that not everyone who sleeps on the dirt every night among swarms of mosquitoes would need to see the doctors.

Not only were people sick but they were also curious. They increasingly pressed in around Brandy and me as the first checkpoint before seeing the doctors. Who would be seen in what order was left to Henry and Gabriel this time, but many people did not hesitate to help themselves to the front of the line, particularly the elders. How, in a society where elders are given the utmost respect, are we to turn them away in lieu of women and children? It wasn’t easy.
The people continued to press in almost to the point of smothering us. Name, weight, temperature, blood pressure, and pulse were needed for each patient. I held many a baby sans diapers to get the weight of the mother and baby, both yea and eew. At one point we discussed closing up the clinic early because of chaos created by so many people wanting to be seen. But don’t think these people rude or disorderly. Instead view their persistence as a sign of how little they receive help, particularly medical help, and how desperate they are for that help.

That we could not stay all day until every person had their needs met troubled us all. At the same time, we were so thankful to have seen so many people that day.

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