Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, I found a suitable replacement for my chocolate Cheerios in the honey nut Cheerios, but that purchase was really intended for those starvation, got-the-shakes moments. You know…just in case I waste away.
Lauren purchased peanut butter and jelly for a breakfast sandwich (no toaster), which was one of two items I enjoyed the first morning. After draining off the top inch of oil from the peanut butter (which I realize was supposed to be stirred in), I spread the paste on the dense bread. I just couldn’t stomach the idea of eating all that oil. The jelly was some fruit flavor and came in something like a soup can. The consistency reminded me a bit of that cranberry stuff you eat at Thanksgiving, the can ridges could be seen on the edge of the scoop I took.
Fruit is the standard fare for breakfast. I struggled with a green orange to go with my pbj sandwich. Green oranges. The skin was quite thin so it didn’t peel off like the Navals. The body of the orange was greenish and was difficult to separate from the skin even after wedging. Essentially, I sucked the juice out of a somewhat bitter orange and made a massive slimy mess all over the kitchen sink (reminder – no water to clean up) and down my elbows. Maggots, ants, and fruit flies…oh my!
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